
國際主席|Mutua Mahiaini

國際主席|Mutua Mahiaini

然而,這些都是神更大應許的一部分,應許正在成就。在這週年紀念日,讓我們慶賀神已成就的一切,同時也對祂將要成就的事充滿新的盼望和期待。當數算祂的祝福時,我們的感恩會帶來雙重的影響 : 榮耀了神,同時也建立了我們邁向未來的信心 (詩篇50:23)。這50週年紀念不僅僅是一個盛會,神也要用它來祝福台灣。
我們渴望榮耀神,也渴望信心加增以付諸行動,這週年紀念為我們提供了實現二者的機會!我想用詩篇34:3鼓勵所有參與台灣導航會大事的人 :「你們要和我一同尊耶和華為大,讓我們一同高舉祂的名」。我們受邀參與在神使一切都不徒勞的神蹟奇事裡。50年來殷勤戮力;50年因神改變生命。神欣慰我們回來獻上感恩,這也為祂往前要做的新事開啟了大門。
A milestone anniversary reminds us of the big story we are part of. As we celebrate the Taiwan Navigators’ 50th Anniversary, we are participating in something much greater than the history of an organization. Many men and women have walked with God and served diligently to bring this work to where it is, but there is a bigger story behind their service and sacrifice. Every day the dreaming, planning and exercise of faith continues on behalf of the nation of Taiwan and the world. We celebrate this; it is not in vain!
And yet, it is all part of something much greater that God has promised. Something that He is fulfilling. During this anniversary, may we all celebrate what God has done, but also get gripped by fresh hope and expectation of what He will yet accomplish. As we recall his blessings, our thankfulness has a double impact: it honours him, and it also builds up our faith as we step into the future. (Ps. 50:23). This 50th anniversary is much more than an event; God wants to use it to bless Taiwan.
We long to honour God, and we long to develop the kind of faith that makes a difference. This anniversary provides us with the opportunity to do both of these! I want to add my own encouragement to everyone who has been part of the Taiwan Navs story, using the words of Ps. 34:3 “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” We are invited to participate in the miracle of God at work in ensuring that nothing is wasted. 50 years of dedicated labouring, and of God changing lives. He appreciates it when we come back to give thanks, and this opens the door for Him to do a new thing, going forward.